Winter Sports 冬のスポーツ


 G'day! みなさんこんにちは。G'day! Hello everyone.



The rainy season has finally arrived after a delay this year, and it looks like the humid days will continue for some time.



When the rainy season ends, summer will finally be in full swing. Australia, on the other hand, is located in the southern hemisphere, and real winter is on its way.



また(ふゆ)時期(じき)限定(げんてい)で、主要(しゅよう)都市(とし)からフライトも()んでいます。なので、オーストラリア人は(ふゆ)(やす)みに()(ぞく)でスキー(じょう)()()(ちょう)()(かん)()(たの)人たちもいるようです。So today I would like to introduce one of the winter sports you can enjoy in Australia: skiing. When we think of Australia, we tend to think of summer sports such as surfing in the ocean, but there are ski resorts in Australia as well. There are about 10 ski resorts in total in the State of NSW, to which Sydney belongs, the State of VIC, to which Melbourne belongs, and the southern island of Tasmania. Therefore, some Australians go to ski resorts with their families during the winter holidays and spend long periods there to enjoy skiing.


とはいえ、緯度(いど)日本(にほん)より(ひく)日本(にほん)(くら)()(おん)高い(たかい)傾向(けいこう)にあるため雪質(ゆきしつ)日本(にほん)ほど()のも(げん)(じょう)傾斜(けいしゃ)日本(にほん)(くら)べるとなだらかな山が(おお)(けい)(こう)にあります。さらにリフトなどにかかるコストも(にほん)本と(くら)べて(たか)いため、オーストラリア人にとって日本(にほん)のスキー(じょう)非常(ひじょう)人気(にんき)があります。However, the latitude is lower than in Japan, and the temperature tends to be higher than in Japan, so the quality of snow is not as good as in Japan. The slopes tend to be gentler than in Japan. In addition, the cost of lifts and other equipment is higher than in Japan, making Japanese ski resorts very popular among Australians.


また、オーストラリア人にとって(ふゆ)のスポーツと()えばオーストラリアンフットボールです。このシーズンになると、多くのバーなどで試合(しあい)中継(ちゅうけい)され、応援(おうえん)するチームのユニフォームやマフラーを(まと)った人たちであふれかえっています。 Another winter sport for Australians is Australian football. During this season, many bars and other places televise the games, which are filled with people wearing uniforms and scarves of the team they are cheering for. 


さらに、巨大(きょだい)(くに)オーストラリアでは、()()(ひく)いケアンズなどでは(ふゆ)時期(じき)でも気温(きおん)20()()(なつ)(おな)じようにマリンスポーツを(たの)しむことも可能(かのう)です。Furthermore, in Australia, a huge country, temperatures in low latitude areas such as Cairns exceed 20 degrees Celsius even in winter, and marine sports can be enjoyed just as in summer.




Summer will soon be in full swing in Japan.

But if you are fed up with the hot summer, it might be a good idea to enjoy a different winter in Australia than in Japan.


<(かい)()使(つか)える「ウインタースポーツ」(かん)()(ほん)()Japanese for “winter sports” in conversation

・あなたの()きな(ふゆ)のスポーツは(なん)ですか?What is your favorite winter sport? 

 スポーツを()るのとプレイするのどちらが()きですか?Do you prefer watching or playing sports?

 あなたの()きなシーズンはいつですか?それはなぜですか?When is your favorite season? Why?

・オーストラリアンフットボールとはどんなスポーツですか?What kind of sport is Australian football ?

 スキーはしますか?どのスキー(じょう)に行った(こと)がありますか?Do you ski? Which ski resort have you been to?

